High school seniors whose parents are members and reside in Clarke Electric Cooperative service territory are eligible to apply for post high school scholarships. The scholarships can be used for college or vocational technical school. Select the button below to access and download the application. Other requirements for the application process include a copy of your transcript and a short essay on why electric cooperatives are important to you. The application has complete details and the deadline for submission is by the close of business on April 1, 2024.
Clarke Electric Cooperative awarded $10,000 in scholarships to 16 local graduating seniors. Awards will be given to the student's selected university or trade school upon the completion of their first semester and enrollment in the second semester. Congratulations to our winners and good luck!
Matthew Coffelt - Central Decatur
Adam Young - Central Decatur
Macy Smith - Chariton
Mason Fry - Clarke
Sonny Conrad - Clarke
Lane Whirrett - Clarke
Robert McCoy - Clarke
Jack Knoll - I-35
Margaret Vonnahme - I-35
Jasmine Jensen - Indianola
Leia Jones - Indianola
Cali Arnold - Martinsdale St. Mary's
Jalie Baumfalk - Murray
Teryn Shields - Murray
Jayda Chew - Murray
Josie Kosman - SEW