The Cooperative holds its Annual Meeting on or near September 10th of each year. This event includes director elections, Cooperative reports from key staff and directors and the report on the financial condition of the Cooperative.
A Nominating Committee represented by two members from the districts up for election are nominated by current board members to select a member to run against the incumbent boar member. If you are interested in serving as a board member and you reside in the district affected, you can contact the Cooperative at 641-342-2173.
The service area has seven districts and two at-large districts. You must live in the district you represent in order to serve as a director. Directors are elected by and from the members to serve five (5) three (3) year terms or a total of 15 years. (Select image at the right for a larger view.)
Click here to see the current board members.
2024 Clarke Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting
Clarke Electric Cooperative, Inc., will hold its Annual Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 at the co-op's headquarters, 1103 N. Main, Osceola.
3:30-5:30 PM: Drive thru FREE chicken dinner from Cater 2U2
5:30 PM: In-person business meeting – includes cooperative reports, director election results and door prize drawings (5 - $100 each, must be present to win)
The drive-thru meal and business meeting will both be held in the warehouse. Please register by Sept. 3 by clicking the link below so we know how many meals to provide. The first 25 members to register for the business meeting (online, by email or by phone) will receive a $25 energy credit. Every member who attends the drive-thru and/or business meeting will receive a gift.