If you are planning to locate a new grain bin (or move an existing one) please contact Clarke Electric immediately. Our team is familiar with Iowa's electrical clearance regulations.
Iowa law requires specific clearances for electric lines around grain bins. There are different standards for those filled by portable augers, conveyors and elevators and permanent equipment.
The Iowa Electrical Safety Code found in Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 199 - 25.2(3) state:
"An electric utility may refuse to provide electric service to any grain bin built near an existing electric linen which does not provide the clearances required by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C2-2017"National Electrical Safety Code, "Rule 234F. This paragraph "b" shall apply only to grain bins loaded by portable augers, conveyors or elevators and built after September 9, 1992, or to grain bins loaded by permanently installed after December 24, 1997. (As adopted by the Iowa Utilities Board)"
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